Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sketch Tuesday 5-12-09: Octo-alien illo sketch

Remember the kinda an octopus/jelly fish thing from last week? Here he is in action. Click on the image to see it larger. This sketch has been in the making forever. Let's see how long it takes to become a finished painting.

Join Sketch Tuesday! Upload your sketches to your blog, Flickr, or wherever you post your work online. If you use Flickr, be sure to join the Sketch Tuesday Flickr Pool and submit your sketch. Any Etsy illustrators who use Flickr I would encourage to tag & add their sketches to the Etsy Illustration Flickr pool!


  1. Yikes. I don't envy that girl!

    Fantastic work!!

  2. Ooooh, love it! I wish I had jelly things floating around my room, too cool :)
