Wednesday, April 29, 2009

*NEW* Worry-Woolie Notebook added to the Spiderbite Boutique!

I have a Brand new Worry-Woolie™ notebook with lovely soft yellow fur, available now in my etsy store. Small enough to accompany you anywhere, this miniature monster will do your worrying for you. Just log your frets and cares on his understanding pages, and he will grant you comfort and peace of mind as you wander through the world.

Click the image to find more info on this little guy and/or purchase!

"The Rime of the Worry-Woolie"

I'm a Worry-Woolie
Friendly, furry, and alive;
Lend me your worries, frets, and cares
I need them to survive.

If you have doubts you need to share
I'm perfect, can't you see?
What you have is what I need,
We're complimentary.

Let me share your worries
Let our friendship be unfurled
And I'll be your companion
As you wander through the world.

Sign up for my mailing list to keep up to date on other new products coming out soon as well as special deals!

Sketch Tuesday 4-29-09: Revamp!

I didn't post my new sketch on here yesterday as I got lazy and only posted it on my Flickr. Anyway, here it is!

It's the little guy from my previous Sketch Tuesdays up to no good. This illustration is for a children's book I am working on with my father.

Join Sketch Tuesday! Upload your sketches to your blog, Flickr, or wherever you post your work online. If you use Flickr, be sure to join the Sketch Tuesday Flickr Pool and submit your sketch. Any Etsy illustrators who use Flickr I would encourage to tag & add their sketches to the Etsy Illustration Flickr pool!

If you're on Etsy, check out the New Sketch Tuesday thread for today and add a link to your sketch.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Calling all sketchers, artists, and doodlers: Sketch Tuesday

Tuesdays suck. In fact I'd go so far as to say that they are the suckiest day of the week. Sure Mondays are no fun, but at least you've still got some of the weekend high going. Wednesdays, at least you're halfway through the work week. It's those Tuesdays that seem to have the least hope and joy. So let's make them more fun and productive.

Every week join me in doing a sketch for Tuesday. There is no theme. The point is to show us what you're working on, what just happened to come off the top of your head, to show our work without the pressure of presenting a finished masterpiece.

It's a chance to exhibit our work process and to give each of us incentive to consistently produce new work.

There's a Flickr Pool where we can all upload 1-2 pieces a week for Tuesday. Fun? Fun!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sketch Tuesday-ish: 4-21-09

This is week number 9 in the New Sketch Tuesday project. And I'm a bit late considering it's now Wednesday morning. Better late than never though, right? This sketch is... well I don't know. Just an image that popped into my head.

Upload your sketches to your blog, Flickr, or wherever you post your work online. Any Etsy illustrators who use Flickr I would encourage to tag & add their sketches to the Etsy Illustration Flickr pool!

If you're on Etsy, check out the New Sketch Tuesday thread for today and add a link to your sketch.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sketch Tuesday 4-14-09: The little critters of nature, they don't know that they're ugly!

This is week number 8 in the New Sketch Tuesday project. I made some weird little guys this week. Not intentionally weird, more the 'I didn't do so well' kinda weird. I blame taxes.

I drew an otter-mouse? I don't know what it is, but I know that with his anatomy moving around ain't going to be easy.

And then there's Robo-Decapito... It's a robot head. I spent a lot more time on the neck than on the actual head. I should finish the head. I just got bored. Maybe I should give him a body too. He does look a bit forlorn. I'm a cruel maker.
Upload your sketches to your blog, Flickr, or wherever you post your work online. Any Etsy illustrators who use Flickr I would encourage to tag & add their sketches to the Etsy Illustration Flickr pool!

If you're on Etsy, check out the New Sketch Tuesday thread for today and add a link to your sketch.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sketch Tuesday 4-7-09: The return of my little friend.

Those of you who have been following my blog may recognize this little guy from week 2 of Sketch Tuesday. He's changed just a little bit, in the eyes and body shape. He's a little more bean shaped. I'm still trying to figure out exactly how he's going to look. Today he's skipping along, digging through the trash, and jumping with an inner tube!

This is week number 7 in the New Sketch Tuesday project. Upload your sketches to your blog, Flickr, or wherever you post your work online. Any Etsy illustrators who use Flickr I would encourage to tag & add their sketches to the Etsy Illustration Flickr pool!

If you're on Etsy, check out the New Sketch Tuesday thread for today and add a link to your sketch.